Thank you, confirming we have received your enquiry. We will be touch shortly.

Before your appointment
If you are attending our clinic for the first time, please download and complete our New Patient Registration Form. You can bring your forms with you on the day of your consultation, or fax or email the forms prior to your appointment. This will reduced the amount of waiting time before your appointment.
Our contact information
Please arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time to complete your New Patient Registration Form to avoid delays. Please also bring:
- Your referral
- Your x-rays, CT scans and MRI scans
- Your Medicare and Private Health Details
- Details of your employer, address, phone number and contact person at your employment *
- MOST IMPORTANTLY your workers' compensation insurance approval letter, case manager, phone number and worker's compensation claim number. *
* For Worker’s Compensation patients only
Without these details you will be required to pay for the consultation on the day and take responsibility for claiming back payment from your employer or insurance company.